Wednesday, December 31, 2008

32 weeks today

It's new years eve and I am 32 weeks :). Baby weighs about 3.73 pounds and is still 17 inches long. Baby is also practicing breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. Baby may also start growing hair on its head :) yay hair. If its a boy its testicles will begin to decend from its abdomen into his scrodum.

I've been feeling Baby's feet pushing out of my belly.. the first time it scared me but after getting used to it, its kinda cool :). I love feeling baby move, but I still can't wait to see Babys little hands and feet myself.. 8 more weeks!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I just moved into the new appartment with Steve and Brittany. Today has just been unpacking.... fun. I haven't even gotten to Baby's stuff yet, but thats on my list to do this week. Almost 32 weeks, wow. I just can't wait. A few of the people I have talked to on youtube that were pregnant, had their babys.. that just makes me even more excited.

Not much to really update with, Baby and I are both doing good as far as I know. Appointment on January 6th, we'll find out then I guess! But Baby is moving a lot still, not as many hard kicks.. more soft ones and rolling. I tried to tape it but Baby must know I'm trying and then stops haha.

I'll post soon..

Love you Baby

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

31 weeks!

The baby is still moving a lot, plenty of hard kicks and rolling. However, the movements are going to slow down soon enough as our little Baby is going to have less room. Baby can now move its head from side to side, its organs are beginning to mature, and the layer of fat continues to be laid underneath the skin. Baby weighs somewhere around 3.3 pounds (but remember babys start to develop differently in size, so who really knows?). Its also been shown that Babys start to dream around 8 months, so my little babys sleeping and dreaming away.

I have been feeling even more exhausted lately, even breathless at some points. My sleeping pattern is still pretty bad, it was good for a few days but I'm finding myself feeling wide awake around 2 am. Rediculous, I know. Baby still loves baths and naps too. So.. I must take more, haha.

I'm also pretty excited that we have bought everything. Time to peice it all together and organize it all. My Nanny has also been looking to get me a Bumbo chair, well my Aunt Sue, but anyways... I've been looking into them and hearing such great things that I really wanted one. But gesh they are so much. So I decided if I couldn't find one used, I'd go without until I couldn't live without it haha. Anyways, she called the other day and we're getting one for the baby.. a lime green one, as we don't know the sex yet.

January 6th is our first OB appointment. I'm really excited and really nervous. I'm excited because I'm hoping we might get another ultrasound (I mean its only fair.. I've only had one at 17 weeks!). I'm nervous though because I've heard some bad things about the doctor. I'm not really too worried because the way I see it he will just check how far dilated I am and then get the baby out.. still it's my little Baby and I don't want anything to go wrong. Still, you can't listen to other stories and I have to go into it with the best thoughts. Steve has been worried about him too, but I feel like I have waited long enough for this appointment, theres no turning back now. Plus, we only have 2 other doctors in town. I think all will go well though.

I just can't believe its going to be 2009, closer to my due date, and I'll be a mother... just crazy. I also can't wait to put away everything (I think I've mentioned that before lol).

Happy holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I got a prenatal fetal heartbeat monitor... now I can listen to you anytime I want.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

30 weeks, only 10 more to go!

30 weeks, 72 days until my due date. I'm so excited!!! I just want to see the baby now. How bad is that, I'm only 30 weeks and already impatient... this is going to be a long ten weeks. I guess the only thing left to do is organize and put away the babys things and pack my bag for the hospital... I'll do that in January. That way I have something to keep me occupied.

Anywhosss, 30 weeks. The baby is still 17 inches long and possibly just over 3 pounds now. Baby won't grow much more length wise but its weight will start to pick up within these next few weeks. Tracking the babys weight is now getting difficult as babys grow in different sizes. Whats your guess at how much our baby will weigh? I don't have one yet. The babys brain is developing more for life outside the womb. The brain can now take on tasks like temperture regulation :). This means that the baby will start shedding its lanugo.

I only had about 4-5 hours of sleep lastnight. I woke up and just could'nt fall back asleep. Now I have a bit of a headache and might lay for a nap sometime soon.

I love you baby,
I cannot wait for the day I get to see you.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Almost a whopping 30 weeks, o m g! 10 weeks and 2 days :). Baby has been moving a lot lately, and especially this afternoon.. but I'm not complaining, I love it. I have been working on my sleep scheduale.. no more sleeping in after 12, that way I can get to sleep at a decent hour! But I do want to take naps and whatnot all the time, I just don't want to stay up all night ughh haha.

I took a few pictures the other day, I'll post a few up. My friend is taking pictures tonight hopefully so I can give them to everyone for Christmas!

Love you Baby.

Friday, December 12, 2008


A third of pregnant women go through sleepless nights and have a form of insomnia...

I am one of them.

and its driving me nuts!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

29 Weeks

Only 11 more weeks left! YAY.

Baby is around 17 inches and 3 pounds. Baby is coming close to its birth length but still has lots of weight to gain. Over the next 11 weeks, baby will double its size. The weight is accumulating from under its skin right now. But as baby gets bigger, I'll feel less kicks and more pokes and jabs.. exciting!

I've learned how to make baby move :) by just taking my two index fingers and going up and down on my belly, baby usually kicks and moves around. I had my bloodwork done today finally... that drink wasn't too bad, I thought it would have been worse by the way everyone talked about it. It tasted like orange pop, just less carbonated and had a slightly bad after taste.

Thats all for today, 11 more weeks!
Love you Baby.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

80 Days To Go!!

Only 80 more days until my due date and boy I am super excited!!!!! Lastnight in the bath baby moved like crazy, making the water ripple and my belly jump. Lastnight I talked to baby for one of the first times since it has moved. I feel this amazing connection and so much love for you :). You have the most loving parents in the whole world so I can't wait to give you everything you need and be by your side every step in your life. Each day I prepare for you a little more and I become more anxious, nervous, and more excited than ever. 80 days can come sooner, really.. if you could be in my arms right now I would be so happy :) but I'll let you finish developing and growing first!

I was supposed to go for my bloodwork this morning but I slept in because it was probably one of the best sleeps I have had in months. Although Im going to work on going to sleep early so I don't sleep until 3pm haha. Lastnight I tried sleeping at 3am and ended up laying there for over an hour with my eyes wide open. I want to be able to at least be in bed by 2, is that so difficult? Agh. I'll go for my bloodwork tomorrow morning.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Oh I Acheeeee!

I'm writing this right before I run out the door to prenatal class..

It's winter here and I hate it! I hate ice and snow and everything slippery. I'm constantly slipping, I think I need boots with grips. But thats besides the point, I did slip once and fall the other day, I landed on my tail bone (which really hurt and now my back is in pain!) and luckily my friend (who is becoming a paramedic/doctor) was there to help me and make sure I was okay. Baby has been moving normally and a lot still so I'm sure its fine, however I am a little worried still so I'll tell my doctor on friday when I'm there. I'm sure everything is fine with baby and luckily I'm the one paying for it.. not baby. I also woke up to my whole body just aching! I mean my muscles in my legs, arms, and stumic (ab region?) were, and still are, in horrible pain. Ouchhh. I don't know what I did when I was sleeping but I feel like I ran to China and back. Ugh.

Other than that, thats all I have today... just thought I'd let everyone know whats going on.

Love you Baby, Hope your perfect as ever!

P.S. I should have new belly pictures up soon... I want to take some tonight. Also I have a new video posted on youtube. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

28 weeks, Into the 7th month already!

Today is 28 weeks exactly, wow. Into my final trimester, wow.

This week baby is 2 and a half pounds and about 16 inches long (told you brittany and sam!!!). This week baby is blinking. Baby can already cough, suck, hiccup, take practice breaths, and now blink! YAY. Oh and this is interesting, the baby may already be dreaming due to all the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep the baby is getting :). The lungs are almost fully mature by now, which makes it easier for the both of us to breath (thank god). But our sweet little baby still has a lot of growing to do.

Baby has been moving plenty today and seems to enjoy sitting higher now, which kinda irritates me since I can't sit properly haha. I've been getting a few pains in my stumic, but again its probably just my uteris stretching or baby pushing hard. Still, I'll be sure to bring it up to both my doctor and the OB when I see him. I go January 6th and I'm both excited and nervous. Excited because that means were close to seeing baby, but nervous because I don't know what to expect. I hope I like our OB haha.

Anyways, thats my update for today.
Love you Baby.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Prenatal Class

We have one more left next week then its more waiting and anticipation.

This week was all about breast feeding. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to or not but I thought it would be better if I learned about it. It seems like a healthy, more efficent choice but I just don't think I could breast feed for that long. I know you can use the pumps and everything but I feel like I'm already really busy as it is.. however getting formula ready for a crying baby might just be the same amount of work. I also worry about having to just pull my boob out in public and in front of people... I don't really feel comfortable with it to be honest.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet but its good to have all the information!