Wednesday, December 10, 2008

29 Weeks

Only 11 more weeks left! YAY.

Baby is around 17 inches and 3 pounds. Baby is coming close to its birth length but still has lots of weight to gain. Over the next 11 weeks, baby will double its size. The weight is accumulating from under its skin right now. But as baby gets bigger, I'll feel less kicks and more pokes and jabs.. exciting!

I've learned how to make baby move :) by just taking my two index fingers and going up and down on my belly, baby usually kicks and moves around. I had my bloodwork done today finally... that drink wasn't too bad, I thought it would have been worse by the way everyone talked about it. It tasted like orange pop, just less carbonated and had a slightly bad after taste.

Thats all for today, 11 more weeks!
Love you Baby.

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