Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Craving: A Snickers bar
Last Seen: One week ago
Suspects: Mutant brothers

You guessed it! I've been craving a Snickers bar for, oh lets say 2 months, and it was stolen! Right out of my own room, how rude! I've got to say I'm pretty bummed out because I can't find them anywhere. I was saving it for the moment I wanted chocolate, the moment I would sneak into my freezer and eat it all up... I guess that day won't come.

You know what else sucks? Walking 6 steps, changing my pants, walking back 6 steps, being out of breath. I'm exhaused, out of breath, tired. I get lots of sleep, rest, and if you ask me I'm not that lazy, so why so out of breath?

I'm also always forgetting things, its awful! I try to remember the best I can... but it always seems to slip my mind, no matter what it is, no matter how many times I'm reminded. I wish I could have a pole 10 inches from my head with a sticky note of things to remember... unfortunatly I can't. It would also be uncomfortable and get in the way.. so thats out the window. Have you ever tried to remember not to forget things? Just terrible.

Anyways, its night time.. I should sleep.


Anonymous said...

Lol, the sticky note pole isn't a bad Idea..I wanted to try something like that, but then I forgot all about it

Kaityy said...

Yeah lol I fear it might get in the way... or ill forget to put the sticky note on :P