Saturday, October 4, 2008

19 weeks already and still no big belly :(. Ah well, I'll blow up soon enough I guess.

This past week I went to register at Wal-Mart with my sister and Brittany. All went well and I think (I hope!) I put down everything I need for baby. If you want to look at it online you can do that at the website, its under Kaity Angelski. I'm really excited for my baby shower in November. I'm mostly excited to get everything I need and to start organizing it all.

I know its only saturday but seeing as I have time today I'll fill you in on week 19! Baby is now 6 inches long, at about half a pound (about the size of a large mango). The baby is now covered in a protective coating called Vernix Caseosa, which protects the babys skin from amniotic fluid (and its a good thing too, or else baby would have wrinkly skin!). Thats it for week 19, but growing half an inch each week.. yay :). I hope all is well in there.

Oh my mom also bought me this cute shirt that says "Special Delivery" and some maternity pants... the kind I like. Not with the stretchys in the front. Finally, jeans I can wear with out wanting to continually undoing the buttons.

Other than that, nothing too exciting. Still having some stumic pains... but I think it might be that I forget to take my vitamin somedays or that I lay uncomfortably. I need a good pillow.

I'm exhausted. What else is new.
Goodnight All.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad everything is going so well. :)