Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just an FYI, I did feel baby! I DID! Yesterday Steve says "I was talking to some people and they said you wouldn't be able to feel it at 12 weeks." I know I felt it. But I decided to do some research and what did I find? Women from ALL over the world feeling their babys from 10 weeks on. Now I haven't felt baby since, and from what I have read I might not for a few more weeks.. Dang :(. I just thought I would let everyone know, that I did infact feel my little angel. It wasn't gas!

Steve also showed me what he made for the baby. He went to build-a-bear and built a Panda wearing a cute little soccer outfit. Adorable. We are going to be awesome parents. We also decided to go baby shopping soon together. Mostly to pick out certain types of things and start stocking up.

Its crazy to think that I'm 13 weeks already. The last week of my first trimester. I'm so excited for the little baby, why can't you just come sooner?!

Thats it for today, I'm exhausted.

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