Tuesday, February 17, 2009

39 weeks :)

Well Chloe should be done growing now! Doc said that she grew a little from last week and her heart beat and everything is all good! My appointment went well, he didn't check how dialated I am or anything. I don't have an appointment next week because my doctor will be out of town for the week :(. Hes hoping I'll have her next week so I don't have to be induced or anything... and although I want her to come so bad, I can wait for him to get back haha. We made an appointment for March 3rd when hes back and he said we'll talk about setting up a date to be induced and all that! I've been having pelvic pains and I've been pretty exhausted

Everythings ready to go. Just waiting!

Love you Chloe baby.


Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness.. I am so excited for you.. Not to much longer. I can't wait to see how beautiful she will be. I can't believe you are already 39 Weeks. It has gone by so fast. 5 weeks left for me.

Kaityy said...

Yeah :D hopefully I can put some pictures up of her right away! I can't believe theres only like 9 days left now. I still feel like I have longer haha. I can't wait to see pictures of your family too! 5 weeks will go by like nothing :)