Monday, February 9, 2009

38 weeks

Sorry again for not updating as much! I'm not about 38 weeks! My original due date is the 27th but I've been given the timeframe pretty much from the 26th to march 3rd. Either way, Chloe will be here soon. Chloe is fully grown by now, maybe gaining a little bit more weight as she stores some fat for birth :). Her organs are developed, however the lungs take a little longer.

I'm really excited to see her but the last few days I have been really exhausted. I've had some pains in my side a few times, but all is well. The doctor said its either her foot or her pressing against my kidney. He also said she must have hit a growth spurt and hasn't grown much in the last 2 weeks... so if she hasn't grown by the next appointment (which is tomorrow), he's going to book another ultrasound to make sure everything is okay. The pelvic exam was okay, her head is moving down and shes getting into position. Chloe is still moving a lot, especially for Josh haha.

I have another appointment tomorrow where I find out the results of the swab and another pelvic. I'll also be posting some pictures up of her room soon because its mostly unpacked and put away now :).

Love you baby girl.

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