Thursday, November 20, 2008

Week 26

This week at our prenatal class we learned all about nutrition. It was mostly about the future, when our baby will be old enough to eat solid foods. I learned a lot though and I hope Steve did too lol. Baby has also been kicking a lot this week, espeically today. Oh did I tell you we have our first OB appointment? January 6th. I think thats a little late considering the due date is February 27th. But what can we do!? :( Ah well.

This week baby is about 15 inches and weighs little over a pound and a half. Babys eyes are beginning to open now and continues to breath in (only water and fluids right now). Brain development is also very speady right now :). Also Baby is growing really fast, YAY.

What else........ I think thats it for now.

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