Monday, August 11, 2008

I just got back from my appointment. All I can say is WOW. Babys heart was beating at 130. I heard it within seconds, we could also hear the baby moving around. It was the most amazing thing. It really makes this seem more real and made me more excited than ever.

Today I'm at 11 weeks. During 11 weeks the baby is just over 2 inches long and weighs a third of an ounce. The babys body is straightening out and the torso lengthening. Hair folliclesm finernails, and toenail beds are all beginning to form. The nails are also creating individual fingers and toes. If its a girl its ovaries are developing. Oh so exciting!!

I'm also really happy to be video blogging, although I still enjoy writing more. Through video blogging I have met a few pregnant women going through the same thing as I. It makes me excited and motivated. I'm really happy to have lots of support through friends and family, and even those I have met online. Its great getting to know more about peoples experiences and sharing mine.

One minor note: I have noticed that if I forget to take my vitamin at night I feel sick the next day. I must remember to take it!!

1 comment:

heavensdevil said...

the heartbeat brought back memories of you...:) The best was the look on your face sweetheart.