Monday, July 28, 2008

Moving onto week 9 now. The baby is offically a fetus and is about 1 whole inch! This week the babys muscles are starting to form, which means the baby will be able to start moving its legs and arms! I can't believe I have this tiny miracle inside of me :). I love it to death and I can't wait to hear the heart beat. Oh come sooner August 11th!

More news though, I'm not really thrilled about.. My weight, dropped more. about 5 pounds more, which some people say "that happends, your pregnant, your sick". Actually, I don't really have morning sickness and I eat a lot. So I'm worried about it! I have been taking my vitamins and all that good stuff though.

I'm also telling my Dad today. I'm nervous about that, but the good thing is that his girlfriend hes dating now was also pregnant at 18. Now he can't freak out too much, so yay! I'm hoping Steve will come over when I tell him, and perhaps talk to Dave & my Dad. We'll see how it goes I guess!

By the end of August, baby will be the size of a peach!

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