Saturday, July 25, 2009

A lot is happened!

I do apologize I haven't written! I didn't have the internet for nearly two months!

A lot has happened. I don't even know where to begin.

I moved at the beginning of July. Into a house with my sister and her boyfriend (they bought it), Chloe and I live in the 'loft' above the house. I really like it here and I think Chloe does too. Theres a yard to play in and my mom just bought her a pool for the yard.. I plan on getting a sandbox but I am in no rush, cause I don't want her to eat the sand haha.

Chloe is doing so good. Over 14 pounds now and I don't even know how long, VERY long. She's teething, but no tooth. She's been pretty good and happy with it for the most part. She can kinda sit by herself, roll over, and she is already trying to crawl. She eats a lot! I just started her on baby cereal and she loves it.. except it would be much much easier if she didn't talk the whole time lol. I have also been giving her pear juice once a day. I'm not sure if she likes it or not, its hard to tell. Some days she will drink it in too seconds and other days she just plays with it. Chloe has been eating 8 oz bottles for a little over a month now, about every 3 hours or so.

I love her so much. Everyday is something new with her.

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