Wednesday, January 7, 2009

33 Weeks!

Today is 33 weeks exactly :). Baby probably weighs a little over 4 pounds now and still at 17 inches. Baby should be turning upside down and its head should be pointing down. Babys skull is still quite pilable and not completly joined (so it can get out easily). The rest of Babys bones are hardening and its skin is starting to loose its wrinkle and red tones.

I have an ultrasound this Tuesday :) woopie!!! I also like my doctor, after hearing a lot of stories (most of which I heard from Steve.. so haha what do guys know), I was nervous about having him. The only problem was that hes going to be gone for the last week of February - during my expected due date. I'll be seeing him next January 20th and then two weeks after that... then it will be once a week until delivery. I'm really excited, mostly for the ultrasound and to see Baby. Not too much longer now :).

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