Sunday, September 7, 2008

16 days! Can't you just come sooner? I mean really, do me a favor.

Lately, I have been feeling uncomfortable with people touching me. My bellys not big, I have a small bump... no need for all the touching of the stumic and whatnot. I don't know why it makes me feel like that but it does. I can't image what its going to be like 2 months from now... with all the strangers and whoever touching it, save me!

I really hope we find out the sex asap. I want to buy cute little outfits and everything. Although I have never really thought about what I wanted that much since I have gotten pregnant, I think I would generally like a boy. Either way, I will love baby sooo much, the result dosn't matter whatsoever to me. I just always thought a boy would be nice to start off with. According to the polls and the babys heart beat; its a boy. Who knows? Steve and all my friends all think its a girl. I think the girls just want to play dress up for the most part ha! But they all have their heart set on a girl. Won't they be disapointed if its a boy? Thats why I don't have my heart set on either :).

I took a bubble bath, it was nice. I also go to the washroom a million times a day now, its driving me nuts. Plus, sleeping is being a pain also. I need to buy a phoam pad or whatever those things are for my bed... and many more pillows.

Speaking of sleep, I think I'll go to sleep right now.

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