Since I last wrote so much has happened.
Things Chloe can do:
- Crawl - very good and fast I must add.
- Say 'mum' (her first word) and 'dad'
- Beginning to sound out other words like 'nana', 'poppa', and 'baba'
- Stand up (while holding onto things)
- Pick up heavier objects
- Play by herself and with others
- Share (very good at this)
Right now I am starting sleep training. Chloe has been sleeping in my bed (not that I mind) and is still getting up once or twice during the night. I would also love for her to sleep in her crib for nap time. I was recommended this book:

Anyways, Chloe has had a lot of first. First Halloween, first Christmas. For Halloween she got to carve her own pumpkin (Well, I did and she just kinda licked it and was grossed out...) and she dressed up like a pumpkin AND a penguin.
Her first Christmas was great. She was a very busy girl and usually the life of the party. Chloe got A LOT of toys from Santa, her family, and I. She is certainly one spoiled little girl!

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