I have been feeling even more exhausted lately, even breathless at some points. My sleeping pattern is still pretty bad, it was good for a few days but I'm finding myself feeling wide awake around 2 am. Rediculous, I know. Baby still loves baths and naps too. So.. I must take more, haha.
I'm also pretty excited that we have bought everything. Time to peice it all together and organize it all. My Nanny has also been looking to get me a Bumbo chair, well my Aunt Sue, but anyways... I've been looking into them and hearing such great things that I really wanted one. But gesh they are so much. So I decided if I couldn't find one used, I'd go without until I couldn't live without it haha. Anyways, she called the other day and we're getting one for the baby.. a lime green one, as we don't know the sex yet.
January 6th is our first OB appointment. I'm really excited and really nervous. I'm excited because I'm hoping we might get another ultrasound (I mean its only fair.. I've only had one at 17 weeks!). I'm nervous though because I've heard some bad things about the doctor. I'm not really too worried because the way I see it he will just check how far dilated I am and then get the baby out.. still it's my little Baby and I don't want anything to go wrong. Still, you can't listen to other stories and I have to go into it with the best thoughts. Steve has been worried about him too, but I feel like I have waited long enough for this appointment, theres no turning back now. Plus, we only have 2 other doctors in town. I think all will go well though.
I just can't believe its going to be 2009, closer to my due date, and I'll be a mother... just crazy. I also can't wait to put away everything (I think I've mentioned that before lol).
Happy holidays everyone!
happy holidays
thank you :)
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