Well I hardly have time to blog anymore, but since I have a few minutes...
Chloe is amazing. My heart is filled with love for her. Shes getting so big now, I have to take her to a weigh in because he next appointment isn't till June 30th and I want to know how big she is getting! She took her two month shots very well, just slept allllllll day!
Chloe is beginning to sleep in her crib a lot more but if I try putting her back in her crib after 5am she will either stay up or have a funky half-awake sleep. Still, shes doing pretty well. I have to get up once or twice to feed her but I don't mind.
Shes beginning to play with her toys and she really enjoys her swing. I put toys above it and she seems to like them a lot. One of them is crinkle and each time she does it shes so surprised!
I let her taste icecream off my finger, she didn't like it cause it was too cold. I also let her suck on a pickle for a second, it was hilarious.. her face was priceless. Umm what else could I tell you?
Hmm, well one of my friends is pregnant, due November 27th. I'm pretty excited Chloe will have a friend and we can do playdates. I'm excited about the shower because my nanny, my mom, and I are all going in together to but her something big. But I'm also buying her some smaller, useful things like diapers/wipes/bottles/ect.
Anywhoo, I will try to update soon.